eGame x Satoshi Club AMA Recap from the 30th of September
Hello, Satoshi clubbers! Another AMA took place in Satoshi Club and we would like to introduce to you the AMA session with our friends from eGame and our guest, @kurikiyo. The AMA took place on the 30th of September.
The AMA session was divided into 3 parts with a total crypto reward pool of 500$.
In this AMA Recap, we will try to summarise the most interesting points for you.
|Part 1 — introduction and questions from the Telegram&WebSite
Luis Merino
Satoshi Club: Hello everyone and welcome to another AMA session in Satoshi Club. Today our guest is @kurikiyo, from eGame. Welcome😊
Satoshi Club: Hello @kurikiyo, welcome to Satoshi Club!
E GAME INITIATIVE LTD. Official: Hi! Thank you for inviting us here! It’s so nice to see so many people joining our session today.
Satoshi Club: How are you today? 🙂
E GAME INITIATIVE LTD. Official: Very good, thank you.
Satoshi Club: Nice to hear!
So, to start the AMA, can you please tell us a few words about yourself? Also introduce eGame to us😊
E GAME INITIATIVE LTD. Official: So, my name is Kiyoshi and I am the project leader of EGI.
eGame Initiative is the name of our project and we use EGI as a short name for it.
Satoshi Club: And what’s the main objective of EGI?
E GAME INITIATIVE LTD. Official: Well, has anyone here felt the excitement of playing games with your friends betting money? EGI is a project that makes it easier for everyone to bet your assets online with any game.
Satoshi Club: Awesome, I also want to ask, where are you based and for how long have you been on this project?
E GAME INITIATIVE LTD. Official: The project is based in Japan and I’ve been leading this project for around 3 years now.
Satoshi Club: Great👏
Luis Merino
Satoshi Club: Thank you for the great introduction!
So, are you ready to jump into community questions?
E GAME INITIATIVE LTD. Official: Sure! Let’s start.
Q1 from Telegram user @Ajpaa:
In addition to eGame’s featured tournaments, fans, players and teams can create and host their own pay-to-play or free-to-play tournaments on the condition that they are in good standing with a minimum eGI token balance. What is the good standing condition and the minimum amount of eGI tokens fans, players and teams must have to enable them to create tournament? What is the requirement for players/team to participate in this tournament? How is the tournament pay-out allocated to the winner? Since tournament creators have the option of configuring their own rules, would there be a general guide to unify the extent of rules? Or the tournament creators make the rules as they wish?
E GAME INITIATIVE LTD. Official: That’s a lot of questions in one paragraph. Let me answer them one by one.
Satoshi Club: Take your time!
“What is the good standing condition and the minimum amount of eGI tokens fans, players and teams must have to enable them to create tournament?”
We don’t set any minimum token balance as a system. We let the tournament or event host decide what the minimum should be. If the host wants to make it a high stake tournament, then the minimum balance to participate becomes high and the same goes the other way around.
“What is the requirement for players/team to participate in this tournament?”
You’ll need an account on and a device with the games installed. Normally, the games are to be integrated with our platform on the game servers to ensure no fraudulent activities are possible. Of course, each country/region has their own set of rules for systems like ours and probably cannot be a minor.
“How is the tournament pay-out allocated to the winner?”
Our system is capable of letting the tournament/event hosts to choose how the prize is distributed so it really depends on the host. The whole prize pool can go only to the 1st rank or it can even be distributed evenly to top 5 players. It’s really up to the host.
“Since tournament creators have the option of configuring their own rules, would there be a general guide to unify the extent of rules? Or the tournament creators make the rules as they wish?”
We think there are 2 types of rules related to holding tournaments. One is how the prizes are to be distributed and the other is how the winners are determined.
For the prize distribution, we have prepared several predefined rules for the hosts to choose from, while how the winner is determined is set by the game developer.
There can be multiple winning rules even for one game. I hope this answered the questions😅
Satoshi Club: Kiyoshi, I think you did it pretty good. I have no extra questions for this one.
E GAME INITIATIVE LTD. Official: Okay, glad to hear.
Satoshi Club: So can we proceed to the next question?
E GAME INITIATIVE LTD. Official: Yes please!
Q2 from Telegram user @Jamesxmen:
It is mentioned that a domestic licence is required to run an eSport betting business in Switzerland. So, does eGame project have a licence for eSport betting? Can you provide more informative facts about this license process? Which things does the licence offer to the eGame project?
E GAME INITIATIVE LTD. Official: First of all, each country has their own regulations related to cryptocurrencies, betting and privacy, which all relate to our system. We investigate the opportunities and the difficulties to comply for each region and expand our operation one by one. According to our investigation team, our first target happened to be Switzerland. Of course, acquiring the proper licenses eliminates our risk of being shut down.
Luis Merino
Satoshi Club: Thank you for the answer, Kiyoshi. Have you been audited?
E GAME INITIATIVE LTD. Official: We’ve already applied for auditing and we’re waiting for their vacation season to end. We should be hearing from them anytime soon.
Luis Merino
Satoshi Club: Who are they?
E GAME INITIATIVE LTD. Official: The local authorities.
Satoshi Club: What country is your next target?
E GAME INITIATIVE LTD. Official: We’re targeting New Zealand after Switzerland. After that, we want to go for Southeast Asia region.
We cannot announce where exactly but, we see a big potential in Asia.
Satoshi Club: Great👍 Let’s proceed to the next question!
Q3 from Telegram user @Asela1112:
I read a Coinpedia article about how EGI (eGame initiative) contributes to the innovative NFT platform: SAKURA with a brand concept of TOKIMEKI KIRAMEKI. Can you explain about this brand concept? What is the meaning of it? And also it mentioned that the ecosystem of NFT marketplace consists of some features such as settlement, having auction, commission for creating NFTs and financial NFTs. Can you explain us about these features particularly? How will the SAKURA NFT marketplace engage the next generation of eSports on the blockchain with these multiple features? What kind of NFTs will you offer to the NFT marketplace and how will you facilitate and incentivize the NFT artists and creators? Also, I read that you provide a NFT exchange just like your original platform. Please, can you give us a sneak peek on this NFT exchange in SAKURA NFT marketplace?
E GAME INITIATIVE LTD. Official: Great question and a long one😅
Satoshi Club: Yeah😄
E GAME INITIATIVE LTD. Official: First, TOKIMEKI KIRAMEKI is a Japanese word that expresses the feeling when you have a crush on someone. Buying NFT is like falling in love with the content.
The NFT platform was intended to connect content creators and enthusiasts and those features mentioned enable users to easily flip or resell from our platform. You can think of it as a wallet system for NFTs integrated seamlessly with exchange system.
“How will the SAKURA NFT marketplace engage the next generation of eSports on the blockchain with these multiple features?”
We cannot disclose the details but there are plans for that.
“What kind of NFTs will you offer to the NFT marketplace and how will you facilitate and incentivize the NFT artists and creators?”
The platform is focused on providing Japanese content creators a place to engage with the global market. The incentives can be what creators want, as long as it is programmable on smart contracts.
“Can you please give us a sneak peek on this NFT exchange in SAKURA NFT marketplace?”
We’re sorry but since this SAKURA NFT platform is developed together with, we cannot disclose the information without agreement from Coineal. We’ll be announcing more on our Telegram community ( when the time is right so I hope we’ll see you in the other community.
Satoshi Club: AMAzing answers😳
E GAME INITIATIVE LTD. Official: Thank you!
Luis Merino
| Satoshi Club: SatoshiClubbers, go join it and activate notifications!
E GAME INITIATIVE LTD. Official: You’re all welcome on this channel.
Luis Merino
Satoshi Club: Please, share it with us as soon as you can share some news 🙂
Q4 from Telegram user @Jmagsss:
Within eGames’ betting platform, all funds, deposits and wages placed are tightly secured and monitored by smart contract and the platform’s escrows themselves. Who are these eGames’ escrows? Are they part of your team or are they third-party personnel that manages and monitors the activities and transactions within the betting platform? Can we apply to be eGames’ escrow? If so, what are the requirements for application and what are the duties of an escrow?
E GAME INITIATIVE LTD. Official: In our platform, each smart contract deployed for each event acts as an escrow so, there’s no third party or any human involved in the process. Therefore, unfortunately, not you nor anyone here can apply as an escrow. We apologize for the confusion. We’ll try to be more clear with our releases in the future.
Satoshi Club: Great, thank you for your answer!
Do you want to add something before we proceed to the next question?
E GAME INITIATIVE LTD. Official: I think we’re ready to go to the next question.
Satoshi Club: Alright!
Q5 from Telegram user @Highpee:
Your eGame platform will have a community engagement section with social features which users can use to create engaging forums for players interaction. How are these communities set up and what type of users are eligible to create a community? How will others players see available active communities in order to decide which one has the best Experts and Tipsters before joining? You also said that Moderators and Experts of these communities are entitled to $eGI token pay-out incentives based on the size of their community. How do you ensure a fair reward payment to community owners? And since payment are based on community size, how do you ascertain that some of these communities are not just filled with inactive bots?
E GAME INITIATIVE LTD. Official: Okay, I’ll go one by one again since this contains several questions.
“How are these communities set up and what type of users are eligible to create a community?”
Anyone can launch a community on our platform. We basically do not have roles. Anyone can be a player, event host or audience. It’s all up to the user.
“How will others players see available active communities in order to decide which one has the best Experts and Tipsters before joining?”
Basically, you’ll need to try and take a look inside to know which communities are valuable for you. Our mission as a platform is to make it easier for you to find the valuable community and we are working on that part.
“You also said that Moderators and Experts of these communities are entitled to $eGI token pay-out incentives based on the size of their community. How do you ensure a fair reward payment to community owners? And since payment are based on community size, how do you ascertain that some of these communities are not just filled with inactive bots?”
Good point to mention and I’d like to be clear with this on our platform’s incentive and the economy itself. All of the incentives for any contribution is based on transaction fees, since we believe that transactions are how value is generated. So no matter how big the community is, as long as the community is inactive. Also, we don’t believe in ownership of communities. It’s against our core belief of democratization and decentralization.
I hope this answered @highpee’s question.
Satoshi Club: Yes I think so, your answers were detailed.
Ready to proceed to the last question for this part?
E GAME INITIATIVE LTD. Official: Let’s go!
Q6 from Telegram user @victorogb:
I read a recent article posted on the official eGame twitter page which centers on data streams and how eGame plans to provide accurate and useful data on events and odds. However, this post didn’t go in-depth in describing the process of your data collection, and this got me a little bit concerned. Therefore, can you properly explain the sources and processes of your data streams and live feeds for events and odds? What internal and external data sources will be used? Also, how will eGame handle data management operations on its platform, how will you guarantee security and privacy of user data?
E GAME INITIATIVE LTD. Official: Okay. Let me explain from how we collect the game event data first.
We only plan to integrate our platform with games that disclose game data or allow our system to access the game server data, whether through API or direct connection to the database. That is how we ensure that no fake data interferes with our platform’s distribution. On top of that, we have top notch security experts run security audits to ensure fairness to our system users.
For internal data governance, game and event data, transaction data are only accessible by limited members and cannot be modified without authorization.
For the odds, we do not decide what the odds should be. Instead, the tokens are pooled into a single location and the pooled token is to be distributed among the winners, depending on how much they bet. This part will be handled through a smart contract so no tampering occurs.
We have a white paper available on our official EGI project website ( so, please take a look for more details. Of course you’re always welcome to ask us through our telegram channel ( as well!
I hope that answered the question.
Satoshi Club: Do you have anything more to add?
E GAME INITIATIVE LTD. Official: Is there any other questions from the community?
Satoshi Club: Yes, thank you for your answers in this first part.
We will now proceed to the second part of our AMA, our community members are ready to ask you questions directly, are you ready?
E GAME INITIATIVE LTD. Official: Bring it on!
|Part 2 — live questions from the Telegram community
Q1 from Telegram user @NAZMP2:
Last month you have announce partnership with XRI, can you share with us the plans for this partnership?
E GAME INITIATIVE LTD. Official: XRI provides data management so users are in control of who can see what of your data. The details are still in discussion but most importantly, XRI and EGI both stand strong on the concept of democratization. We will be releasing updates on our Telegram channel as well as our official website ( and Twitter ( so please stay tuned!
Q2 from Telegram user @Asela1112:
Currently, eGame initiative platform provides a Triall version for their users and I also tried the Triall version. But there is only one event available currently, called GIN RUMMY. Can you tell more details on this Triall version and GIN RUMMY game?
E GAME INITIATIVE LTD. Official: Since the website ( is still in trial, the Gin Rummy game was intended to demonstrate how users can bet and win tokens. We have many games planned to be available in the upcoming months and some big title games so, please follow us on our social channels.
Q3 from Telegram user @messilolz:
Can a professional gamer use your platform to earn? How much will be the reward in tournaments?
E GAME INITIATIVE LTD. Official: Yes, of course. In fact, we want our eGame platform to be open for players of any level. If you’re confident with a game, you can host a high stake game and accept challenges from the world!
Q4 from Telegram user @Robotliker1:
What is the team status? Is your project doxxed or not? Do you have an experienced team to handle this project or not?
E GAME INITIATIVE LTD. Official: Yes, I believe that the current project members are true professionals in their field but, I think it is more important that each member truly believes in the future of this project. Not just financially, but the world we are going to create through this platform is what we all desire.
Q5 from Telegram user @cenkkargin0666:
Does the eGame platform consider holding special events and tournaments to make it more attractive to players? Do you have a reward or referral program that we can earn when we include our friends on the eGame platform? What can we do to earn more $eGI on eGame?
E GAME INITIATIVE LTD. Official: Yes, we do have a referral program since referring people to our platform is a big contribution. Please keep in mind that the current platform is in trial and the reference data may be lost when the platform goes live.
Q6 from Telegram user @Tahsinahmett:
How did the idea behind EGI came about? What rewards and benefits do you offer to a global community of online players? Will you organize tournament games?
E GAME INITIATIVE LTD. Official: The unfairness of online casino was one of the big reasons for this project. The power balance between users and casino operators are just not fair. We wanted to change this inequality of power because we believe in democratization.
Q7 from Telegram user @Orlemys:
I’d like to know if eGame is open to the possibility of hosting live tournaments when the Covid regulations allow it? If so, where would you host them?
E GAME INITIATIVE LTD. Official: The concept of our platform is to fit every aspect of an e-sports tournament into a smartphone. No COVID, no venues but the same excitement. That is what we want to achieve.
Q8 from Telegram user @sophiejohnson1:
What supports eGI tokens? How can I buy it? Do you have a burn, take back or staking program?
E GAME INITIATIVE LTD. Official: Currently, EGI token is listed and available on Coineal’s exchange. Please visit for the current rates.
Q9 from Telegram user @adnan1231:
What is your most ambitious goal of the project? We would appreciate it if you could share with us any upcoming updates?
E GAME INITIATIVE LTD. Official: We have 2 work streams running within our project right now.
- First is the platform features where we add more features to the platform. We already have the players and event hosting features so our next roadmap is the features for audiences. Players will be able to broadcast their mobile screen or the camera feed to the audience in live, which will be available in a month or so. We also have bookmaking features for the audiences to be released within the next 3 months and NFT integration, data blockchainization.
- Second work stream is the game integration. We only have 1 game integrated to our platform at the moment but, we’re planning to integrate 5 more games in the next 6 months, including some major game titles.
Q10 from Telegram user @Nonerlike:
Is there any KYC requirements to play? Will you support in a global level or are there any sort of restrictions to use your platform?
E GAME INITIATIVE LTD. Official: We don’t have any KYC or any kind of restriction yet but, we may adopt KYC to our platform depending on the local regulations.
👇Check it out More details🚀
|Official Links
Official website:
White paper: